Ways to stay sane and happy during COVID-19 quarantines and the era of social distancing

By Kimber Underdown and Dr. Crystal McCabe

For many people, ourselves included, being isolated and distancing from other people can be a challenge and may seem daunting. Many people worry about themselves or their loved ones in this unique point in history. Of course the focus is (and should be) on staying inside, staying healthy, and protecting the community spread of COVID-19. But, we need to also be conscious of the fact that good mental health and socializing go hand in hand. So, what can you do to help your family members and yourself protect mental health and mental wellness during this time? Here is a list of things that can help you navigate this new normal that we have all been thrown into.

How to lift yourself out of a funk

Have you ever felt discombobulated and not like yourself? I think we all have been there, and this upcoming season is the time of year when it always happens to me. They say people are more depressed and anxious around the holidays, but that is not the case for me. For me, springtime brings allergies, anxiety, and depression.  Because I have known myself for a lot of years (too many to mention here….lol), I know my patterns of behavior and understand what ends up happening each year around this time. I also know what to do to help myself get out of that funk, and that is what I want to share with you. I really want to hear your tips and tricks for lifting yourself up when you get down. We should all share our tips because you never know who they might help!

The Dark Side of the 1980s

What makes a decade so weird? To me, the 1980s were the weirdest decade, but not for the reasons you may think.

Recently, I asked my Facebook friends to share what they thought made the 1980s such a weird decade. Most mentioned big hair, neon colors, weird fashion (shoulder pads and baggy pants, anyone?), and strange music. I mean these are not wrong answers. The music was quite bizarre, for sure. In fact, I disliked it so much, that I listened to 50’s and 60’s music throughout the entire decade. As a teenager. (I bet I was teased a lot about that, now that I reflect back.)

And many of my friends said that the decade was cool and that it is what you make of it. I do not disagree with this assessment, either. I think everything in life is what we make it!

However, there were some very distinct things about the decade that made it different from the others. Here are some of the things I was pondering when I made the bold statement that the 1980s was the weirdest decade in recent history.

Making Resolutions You Can Live With

If you are like most Americans, you have made at least one resolution or goal for 2019. If you have seen my social media accounts as recent as today, you will know that my “eating well” goal is out the window (thanks Snooze, an A.M. Eatery!). But that does not mean it is over for the whole year. Let me tell you why. And let me tell you how you can make goals that you can actually live with and me human with.

Personal Development Tips by Kimber

Do you ever wonder what the happy, successful people do to better themselves? Do you wonder what their secrets are? Do you wonder why some people seem to glide through life while others are full of negativity and complaints? Let me tell you a few secrets. First of all, remember that what you see on social media is a BETTER VERSION of the person’s life that their actual life. What does that mean? It means the uber-successful people you see taking trips without a care in the world are showing you their life’s highlight reel. They are not showing you their struggles. However, it also means that your friend from high school who spews negativity and is always complaining about their lives with a serious “poor me” tone….well that is the highlight reel of their lives, too. So, who do you want to be? Positive Polly with her trips and fun times or Negative Nancy with her trials and tribulations? What if I told you… YOU decide which one you are and I have some secrets on how you can transform into Polly and leave Nancy behind? (No offense to the wonderful Nancys I know in life…LOL).

Kimber's Haunted Movie Faves- BOO!

With Halloween fast approaching, it is time to share some of my favorite horror movies. Whether you are a horror fan, a fan of suspense, or just in the mood to be scared, there should be something for everyone on this list! Some of my favorites are from a long time ago, but I am including them anyway, because they are good enough to watch today. I hope you have some to add to the list! I am always on the lookout for more suspense and horror.

Time Management Tips from Kimber

Ah, time management. This is a topic I often get questions about. How do you do it all, people ask? How do you work full time and go to school, work extra jobs for your employer, publish, present, run a business, and manage to find time to be a (halfway) decent parent and blogger? Everyone is different, so my time management tips may not help everyone, but I get this question enough that I thought maybe I would share some of my tips. Feel free to read them and use them, or just discard all of them if they do not work for you. You know, whatever. It won’t hurt my feelings. (I simply do not have time for hurt feelings....)

A tale of five coffee shops: a parable of the myth of market oversaturation

Do you like coffee? Chances are you do. If you’re an adult, you likely start your day with a cup of joe. And if you don’t have time for coffee at home, you might stop for coffee on your way to work or to take the kids to school. Or you may just like to treat yourself on occasion and I’m guessing you have your favorite place to go, for one reason or another. It may be convenient or it may be your favorite flavor, or an awesome promotion too great to pass up. Here’s a story about coffee, that’s not really about coffee at all. Let me explain.

A Few of My Favorite Summer Activities

So, even though the temps outside are triple digits and we are only in the second week of August, school has started and summer is over, at least for all intents and purposes (or do you prefer intensive purposes...no, that is just wrong, people). This blog post will share a few highlights of my summer. It has been a crazy busy one, a hectic one, and at times a stressful one. However, it has also been fun and eventful! Here is the highlight reel of my summer. Enjoy!

A Few of my Favorite Kids

Recently, my daughter wrote an Instagram post and said she learned a lot from each of her kids. I started thinking about it and realized that I, too, learned a lot from kids. I bet we have all learned a great deal from the children we have encountered. This week's blog will therefore be a bit different and be about a few of my favorite kids and what they have taught me. I want you to think about what children have taught you, too. I would love to hear it!

Subscriptions- they are not just for magazines any longer!

Subscriptions- they are not just for magazines any longer!
My love of subscriptions did start with magazines, however. It was always exciting to get the newest and latest magazine delivered to your house before everyone else got it at the store. Who doesn't love being FIRST at something? I know I do! I think my love of subscriptions started young- with newspapers and magazines and the Columbia House Book and Music Clubs. I loved getting things in the mail, anyway. Getting things especially picked out for ME was even more exciting than getting the Publisher's Clearing House paperwork to fill out so you could have Ed McMahon come to your house with a giant check. But I digress.... As I age myself, here, let me move on to modern age subscriptions. Here is a list of my faves.

Top Ten Books to Read This Summer!

Everyone knows I love movies and TV and podcasts. But did you know these all started with my first love- reading books? I can remember reading early and often. I read my first Stephen King book when I was 10 or 11. I clearly remember it like it was yesterday. It was The Stand, which I think is technically the longest book ever written. I mean, I do not have facts to back that up, but I am sure I am right. I do not know how long it took me to read it, but I do know that I have always had a book or two that I was in the middle of, at my bedside. Right now, I am in the midst of two books. I just alternate between them, based on my mood. Usually, one is a novel and one is non-fiction, and I generally finish them at the same time and move on to two new books. If you like to read, too, then this is the blog post for you! I have eclectic tastes in pretty much everything, so I will share a few good reads, and I hope there is something for everyone on here! Some of these are older books, but they’re worth a read!

Top Ten (maybe 11) of Kimber's Favorite Movies of 2018

The year is half over already and summer is in full swing. Almost all the summer blockbusters have been released already (with a few exceptions of course). So let’s talk about my favorite movies of 2018 so far. I go to the movies a lot. A lot. I mean, when AMC came out with their new monthly membership plan, I laughed, thinking they’ll lose money on me! Haha. With the new membership, I can see three movies per week for a cost of $19.95 a month. And I will see three movies a week. It’ll happen. So let’s chat about my top ten faves for this year so far! In no particular order, here they are!

Top Ten Documentaries to Watch Now!

So, if there is one thing I love, it is a good documentary. If a documentary tells a tale, weaves in characters, and makes me think, then I am in! I could name a list of at least 50 documentaries I have seen lately that have been interesting, but I am limiting this to ten, just so this stays a blog and does not become a Stephen King-sized book.