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How to lift yourself out of a funk

How to lift yourself out of a funk

Have you ever felt discombobulated and not like yourself? I think we all have been there, and this upcoming season is the time of year when it always happens to me. They say people are more depressed and anxious around the holidays, but that is not the case for me. For me, springtime brings allergies, anxiety, and depression.  Because I have known myself for a lot of years (too many to mention here….lol), I know my patterns of behavior and understand what ends up happening each year around this time. I also know what to do to help myself get out of that funk, and that is what I want to share with you. I really want to hear your tips and tricks for lifting yourself up when you get down. We should all share our tips because you never know who they might help!

And away we go….

1.       Do the opposite of what you feel like doing. Do you feel like hibernating and staying home all weekend? Well, then get yourself up and out of the house. It can be a walk around the block or a trip to Target or the movies. Or, better yet, go talk to a friend or make a lunch date with a family member. Often, the change of scenery helps us feel better. Sometimes you really do have to “fake it until you make it.”

2.       Let someone know. It is easy and comfortable to keep our miseries to ourselves (after all, who wants to bring others down??), but it is far better to share our struggles, as our support systems cannot read our minds. If you let someone know, then they can help you. Then you need to accept that help, too. That may be hard to do, but it is a necessary step!

3.       Reward yourself. What do you enjoy immensely? What brings you joy? Whatever that may be, splurge on a special reward for yourself. Buy yourself something special, do some activity you love but don’t do often, see a concert, head to your favorite restaurant, or if you really cannot fathom getting out of your pjs, then invite people over to your house and watch some Netflix. Keep it simple, if need be.

4.       Get moving. Take a walk, get some simple exercise, or do something physical. Moving your body lifts your spirits and can make you feel better.

5.       Prepare for the down times. Know what makes you sad, what does not lift you up, and what brings you down further, and avoid these things. For example, I cannot watch sad, sappy movies. They depress me. So, I avoid them. Know your moods and how your moods fluctuate over the seasons; when it comes time for the season when you are most blue, then you need plan for it and try to head it off. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so try to plan ahead and do something to thwart the down times from occurring. If you cannot avert it completely (which is likely) then at least plan for that time. You can track your moods (there are many apps out there to help) and then you will be armed with more information on how to help yourself be boosted up, rather than let down.

6.       Practice self-care regularly. This includes things like eating well and exercising and such, but it also includes the less-known things like keeping a schedule, going to bed at the same time, waking at the same time, and staying even and balanced. Even one all-nighter can throw your mood for a loop. Try to plan things so you can be regimented (yet still flexible). For me, I cannot stay up late or the next day is always a mess. I also have trouble sleeping in general, so I need to be careful I do not go too many nights without a decent amount of sleep. I cannot nap successfully, and I always feel worse when I do, so my nightly zzzs are important. I also have to follow certain routines like washing my face the same way and taking my meds at the same time. This helps me greatly and could help you, too.

7.       Tidy up. I am not talking about going all “Marie Kondo” on your home, but tidy up the rooms you spend the most time in. Clutter can cause depression, and cleaning up those piles or tackling even one small job can be so refreshing. Just focusing on one small thing and not trying to get it all done will be helpful as well. If the task becomes overwhelming, scale back. The basics are: making your bed, cleaning your kitchen, and taking out the trash. If you have piles of papers, go through them and shred what you no longer need, and file what you need to keep. Or, if all of that sounds overwhelming, then put the piles in a box and put the box in your closet or out of sight for the time being. Just don’t forget where you put it! Lol.

These are just a few tips that help me. I hope you have some others that you would like to share. Until then, take care of yourself and check on your loved ones.

XOXO Kimber

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