

Welcome to my blog. I document my favorite things in life. Follow me for more fun!

A few of my faves

Welcome to things Kimber loves... a blog that shows cases the various things I fancy. Every blog post will have a different theme and different things I am just mad about. So, let’s get this eclectic blog party started!

This first blog is just a few things I love. And before you start thinking, oh how materialistic, she doesn’t mention her family and friends once, well let me alleviate your concerns. I simply adore my family. They’re the greatest. All of them. Even the crazy ones.... oh wait.... that’s all of them. I mean they are related to me, so naturally they’re crazy! And my friends rock, too. I’ve got some wonderful people in my life! But this blog isn’t about them. They won’t be offended. So you shouldn’t either.

So, without further ado, here are a few of my favorite things, as of right this second.

1. Dutch Bros. Maybe it’s cliche, but I love coffee. I’m a grown adult, so it’s not weird I love coffee. But I also love great customer service so I’ll go out of my way for good service, and when Good service collided with a stellar product, then I’m mad about it. Mad in a good way, that is. There is no better customer service than Dutch Bros. You’ll come in a stranger and leave as a friend. I was hooked the first time I went!
2. Movies. Ahhhh. The cool, dark place, with tasty treats and an ice cold Coke. The story, the escape, the journey. I love it all. I generally love all movies. Even the horrible ones, I can often find some redeeming quality. Not always, but often. It’s a beautiful escape from the stressors of the world! It’s my happy place.
3. Speaking of ice cold Coke... I love Coca Cola! It tastes so sweet and carbonated and nostalgic all at once. It’s like an explosion of flavors and memories in my mouth. I also love the mascots. I mean who doesn’t love polar bears and Santa Claus?!
4. LipSense. This may seem obvious because I do sell it, but man, this stuff is cool. Not just LipSense though. I love the makeup and the skin care and the way it all looks and lasts and makes me feel. It’s all awesome. ‘Nuff said.
5. Magazines. Magazines are awesome. The paper, the print, the trashy ads and the writing. I love the photos and the articles and the reporting. I love learning new things and reading about new places, new scientific advances, new ideas. Magazines are so portable, are easy to read and digest. They are fun. They can be quickly thrown into a beach bag, and devoured at the pool. They are great for plane trips and late night reading. A magazine is so many things to me! It’s a great educational resource and also a fun and entertaining item!
6. Podcasts. Okay this is a recent thing for me. In the past few years, I’ve really become interested in podcasts. I love learning and hearing new perspectives. I’ve always wanted to be a voice actor on the radio or on a podcast and so I’m super interested in hearing different voices on podcasts. Podcasts are great for a long drive, for times when I’m in serious grading mode and need to listen to something as I do so. They’re super informative, sometimes funny, sometimes scary, and always educational in some form or another. They can inspire and motivate or terrify you with true crime stories. All in all, they rock!

What are some of your favorite things?

Until next time,


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