Subscriptions- they are not just for magazines any longer!
Subscriptions- they are not just for magazines any longer!
My love of subscriptions did start with magazines, however. It was always exciting to get the newest and latest magazine delivered to your house before everyone else got it at the store. Who doesn't love being FIRST at something? I know I do! I think my love of subscriptions started young- with newspapers and magazines and the Columbia House Book and Music Clubs. I loved getting things in the mail, anyway. Getting things especially picked out for ME was even more exciting than getting the Publisher's Clearing House paperwork to fill out so you could have Ed McMahon come to your house with a giant check. But I digress.... As I age myself, here, let me move on to modern age subscriptions. Here is a list of my faves.
1. Rocksbox. This is a fun monthly jewelry subscription. Here is how it works. You sign up for $21 a month and get a box full of jewelry to wear as long as you like, to send back, and get more delivered, or to keep by applying your monthly fees to the price of the item/s. You get three pieces of jewelry and you can keep them, send them back, or wear them for a while and then send them back. Your monthly fee is always taken off the price of anything you keep, unless you do not keep anything that month. This is fun because you get to try different styles and have some fun- with no commitment. Plus, if you use my referral code, you get your first month free:
2. Stitchfix. Stitchfix is a clothing subscription box that you can have sent to you at any interval; I generally do it every few months or so, but some people do it as often as weekly. For a $20 styling fee, these stylists take into consideration all of your preferences, sizes, and what you may be looking for, and they send you clothing that you might never pick for yourself, but that you might like. I love this one because it often picks clothes for me that I am 100% sure I would never notice at the store, but I end up loving. It gets even more personalized the more you get it and if you play the "styling game" they have on the app where they show you things and ask, "Would you wear this?" and you swipe left for no and right for yes. Like Tinder. For clothes. You can keep what you like, exchange sizes that do not fit, or send it all back, or keep it all for a 25% discount. You can also get your fee put towards any of your purchase. Additionally, you can use my referral code here and get a free styling with no obligation! Here it is:
3. Kidbox. This one is so fun and is also a charitable one! Kids grow out of things quickly, need new clothes, but hate shopping, am I right? So, you can sign up your kid to get a seasonal Kidbox (you do not get them sent to you automatically- they send emails asking if you want one) and your kid will be delighted with new clothes, and you will love the experience and the price. Plus if you buy a whole box, then you get a discount ($98 for everything) and they send a whole box of clothes to a charity of your choice. Kale and I send the box of clothes (no cost to us- just part of the mission of Kidbox about giving back) to foster children. I know how foster children are given lots of "hand me downs" and donated clothing, so it makes me feel good to send them new clothes, in good brands that will make them feel good, look good, and will last. The box of clothes usually has 6-8 pieces in it and costs $98 and has great brands that you can find at department stores. It also includes a prize and a fun box that can be colored with crayons (included). Additionally, you can exchange sizes, send back anything you do not like, or keep it all and get the discount and get a box sent off to those in need. I also have a referral code for Kidbox where you can get $25 off your first box. Here it is:
4. Amazon. Okay, you are probably saying, Amazon has subscriptions? Yes, indeed, if you are an Amazon Prime member. I get monthly subscriptions on of the items I love and use the most and need every month. You set it up however you want and use your subscription to get things delivered on the regular. For example, I like my K-cups, dog food, allergy medicine, and cat food delivered to me once a month. It always comes the second week of the month and I get a discount for having five different items coming my way- I think the discount is 15% off for having that number of items sent to me each month. This one is very personalized and you can order just about anything Amazon carries (which is literally anything, right?) and get it each month or week or whatever. It is also a lot cheaper to do this, as you get a discount for just adding items to the cart and getting them sent at the same time. I started doing this when Kale was a baby and I needed diapers and wipes on the regular. Being a single mom with four kids, any time I could avoid the store was appreciated. Amazon was a life saver then! Now, I enjoy not needing to carry large bags of dog food home! Check it out and see if you can save some moula.
5. AMC Stubs A-List. This is the best subscription of all, if you love movies, need some entertainment, or love having something to do at any moment. This costs $19.99 a month and allows you the opportunity to see up to three movies per week- with no restrictions! That is 13 movies a month!!! Want to see three IMAX movies this week? No problem. Three movies in Dolby this week? No worries, AMC's got you. Want to see the newest movies on the nights they are released, in the most expensive theatres in your town? You can do that, too! You just have to have the app, subscribe to the monthly fee of $19.99 and then show your ID when you enter the theatre. You make your reservation online, select your seats and everything, and then even get to skip lines at the concession stand, while getting rewards for spending money! It is the best for people like me, who loves movies and want to have something to do for fun. So far, I have only seen one catch- when you first sign up, you are signing up for three months (paid monthly, not all at once). After those three months are up, you can cancel at any time. Here is the link to that program:
Hopefully you have enjoyed hearing about my subscriptions that I love the most right now. And I did not even mention my magazine subscriptions! Which subscriptions do you belong to and love? Until next time, subscribe to my BLOG and you will always know what's up. XXXOO, Kimber