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Kimber's Haunted Movie Faves- BOO!

Kimber's Haunted Movie Faves- BOO!

A Few of Kimber’s Favorite Horror Movies

With Halloween fast approaching, it is time to share some of my favorite horror movies. Whether you are a horror fan, a fan of suspense, or just in the mood to be scared, there should be something for everyone on this list! Some of my favorites are from a long time ago, but I am including them anyway, because they are good enough to watch today. I hope you have some to add to the list! I am always on the lookout for more suspense and horror.

1.       The Shining. This will always be number one on my list. From the storyline to the fabulous acting by Jack Nicholson, to the creepy kids, this one has something for everyone. It is creepy and is actually based on Stephen King’s own fear of the hotel, The Stanley, located in Colorado. He stayed there and felt it was haunted and had some awful dreams, so he wrote the book, The Shining, based on this experience. The movie strays a bit from the book (so much so that Stephen King declared he hated the movie), but to me, Stanley Kubrick’s vision of the book and how he brought it to life, is even creepier than what King wrote about. It is a movie that still hold up today. A few years ago, Taylor and I went to see it on the big screen and we felt it was still as good!

2.       Poltergeist. I remember seeing this one as a kid, and fully enjoying it and being terrified all at once. Moving into a new place can always be scary, especially when it is built upon an ancient tribal burial ground. This movie paved the way for many of the ghost stories that we have today, including all of the Paranormal Activity movies. It has great acting, but the special effects are pretty terrible for today’s day and age, but the movie is still a classic that holds up, if you can forgive the special effects, and if you are old enough to understand what used to happen when the TV channel signed off for the night. Younger folks may not get that part.

3.       The Babadook. This one is recent, an Australian move that even was nominated for the Australian Academy Awards. I will only be able to see this movie once, however, because it is pretty depressing. I felt like this kid actor was one of the best I have ever seen in a horror movie. He is quite convincing. The Babadook is a psychological horror movie about the horrors of mental illness and loneliness. It is less of an outward scary movie and more about the perils of dealing with trauma alone, with no supports. It has a message to it, too. If you are looking for just a straight up horror movie or monster movie, this will not be for you. If you are looking for an intricate story with great characters, you may like it.

4.       The Gift. When I first saw this one, I thought it should have been a made-for-TV movie, but it was one of those that I really enjoyed. What it lacks in style, in makes up for in story line, character development, and suspense. I really loved the acting. I mean, Jason Bateman is pretty awesome, right? It is a story of bullies, school boy spats, and stalking. It also touches on psychological control and even emotional abuse in a marriage. It really is a good movie, with a few twists, but I am sure you can figure it all out before the end. It is one of those movies I could watch over and over again. It is not a great movie, but it is one that is fun to re-watch.

5.       Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension. This is the one PA movie I enjoy watching over and over again. Again, it surrounds a family moving into a new home, and finding an unwanted tenant who just does not want to go away. He makes friends with the daughter (of course!) and then Toby terrorizes the entire family. What fun, am I right? It is one of those “found footage” movies, but it does not give you the whole “whiplash effect” like some of the found footage movies do. It is also pretty scary, as far as ghost stories go! Back in the day when we thought these “found footage” movies were real, this would have been downright terrifying.

6.       Searching. This one is super awesome and super recent. I think you can still catch it in the theatres, if you act quickly. This one has a cool concept. It is a “screens only” movie (not a “found footage” on, though), meaning everything occurs behind computer screens, phone screens, CCTV, and YouTube. It is not just a cool concept, it is also one that works really well. The story is suspenseful, has a few twists, and is a great story about how we often do not fully know the ones we love. It centers on a dad searching for his 15 year old daughter. The story is also a rich story of a family and trauma. I cannot wait to own this movie and watch it again. I think you should check it out in the theatres if you can!

7.       It Follows. This low-budget movie is set in a decrepit part of Detroit and has a super creepy feel, with a tone of morality. It is a ghost story, a monster story, and a real morality tale as well. This Monster (Ghost? Demon?) passes from one teen to another, through sexual activity. The only way to get the monster to leave you alone is to have sexual relations with another person and pass it on to them. The setting, the unknown actors, and the atmosphere of this movie make it a really good psychological thriller. I think it helps that the location is creepy and the budget is low, as it makes it feel more intimate and realistic. It is almost entirely original, in that I have never seen a movie with a story quite like this one.

8.       Unsane. The reason I like this movie is because it also strays from the traditional format of movies. This movie looks like a Lifetime special on stalking (or is it a stalker, after all?). It stars a great actor, Claire Foy (AKA the queen on The Crown), and is so intriguing….for a silly reason: this movie was made entirely with an iPhone 7! Isn’t that crazy? It is touted as a paranoid thriller, which I would concur with. A young woman escapes a stalker she has never told anyone about, moves to a new place, and starts seeing her stalker everywhere, even when she is sure he is not there. Is he there? Is she crazy? I will not give it away, but it is a rather satisfying movie in a super weird way.

Some other favorites include The Nun (the latest of the Conjuring franchise), The Strangers, The Others, Skeleton Key, and Nightmare on Elm Street (the original).

What are YOUR favorites? Bonus points if it is an obscure one!

Boo!  Happy Halloween!

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