All tagged books

A Few of My Favorite Summer Activities

So, even though the temps outside are triple digits and we are only in the second week of August, school has started and summer is over, at least for all intents and purposes (or do you prefer intensive, that is just wrong, people). This blog post will share a few highlights of my summer. It has been a crazy busy one, a hectic one, and at times a stressful one. However, it has also been fun and eventful! Here is the highlight reel of my summer. Enjoy!

Top Ten Books to Read This Summer!

Everyone knows I love movies and TV and podcasts. But did you know these all started with my first love- reading books? I can remember reading early and often. I read my first Stephen King book when I was 10 or 11. I clearly remember it like it was yesterday. It was The Stand, which I think is technically the longest book ever written. I mean, I do not have facts to back that up, but I am sure I am right. I do not know how long it took me to read it, but I do know that I have always had a book or two that I was in the middle of, at my bedside. Right now, I am in the midst of two books. I just alternate between them, based on my mood. Usually, one is a novel and one is non-fiction, and I generally finish them at the same time and move on to two new books. If you like to read, too, then this is the blog post for you! I have eclectic tastes in pretty much everything, so I will share a few good reads, and I hope there is something for everyone on here! Some of these are older books, but they’re worth a read!