All tagged Big Little Lies

Top Ten Books to Read This Summer!

Everyone knows I love movies and TV and podcasts. But did you know these all started with my first love- reading books? I can remember reading early and often. I read my first Stephen King book when I was 10 or 11. I clearly remember it like it was yesterday. It was The Stand, which I think is technically the longest book ever written. I mean, I do not have facts to back that up, but I am sure I am right. I do not know how long it took me to read it, but I do know that I have always had a book or two that I was in the middle of, at my bedside. Right now, I am in the midst of two books. I just alternate between them, based on my mood. Usually, one is a novel and one is non-fiction, and I generally finish them at the same time and move on to two new books. If you like to read, too, then this is the blog post for you! I have eclectic tastes in pretty much everything, so I will share a few good reads, and I hope there is something for everyone on here! Some of these are older books, but they’re worth a read!